Your Views: Potholes need immediate attention

Your Views: Potholes need immediate attention
(Photo by Aleksandra Kochurova)

To the editor:

As I drive around Old Town, I continually come upon numerous pot holes that have obviously developed over the winter. Luckily, to date, I have not been the victim of a blown tire orworse. I fully realize that the city does have a pot hole repair number and that they are generally attentive in responding to the citizens’ cries for help.

The city’s normal repaving plan for its 550 miles of roads is to pave 50 miles each year. This is probably insufficient for this year’s crop of potholes. Hopefully the roads closest to your home are not scheduled for year 11.

It is evident that the city is totally overburdened this year, therefore city leaders need to step up their game and dedicate more resources to the problem. This is indeed a safety issue that needs the city’s immediate attention.

-Townsend A. “Van” Van Fleet, Alexandria
