To the editor:
I have been very amused to read recent letters to the editor and biographical statements from Republican candidates, both using the theme of “vote for Republicans because Alexandria shouldn’t be dominated by one party.” As a great supporter of the democratic process, I certainly understand the dangers of one-party domination. For example, just look at the way Republican governors and legislators in Texas and Florida are disenfranchising voters who vote against them, endangering women who seek the right to choose what happens with their own bodies and acting against every sane person who wants to protect themselves, their families and their colleagues from the COVID-19 pandemic.
But by waving the Republican banner, like it or not, those letter-writers and candidates are aligning themselves with the destructive policies of their party which are currently on frightening display in Texas and Florida. I’ve yet to read anything in any of those letters or biographical statements that disowns such policies – so we can only conclude that the writers and candidates do, in fact, support those policies. So, it’s fine for the writers and candidates to speak out and run for office – this is still America, thank goodness – but in this case, wouldn’t it send a much more constructive and much less frightening message to focus on supporting or running as an independent?
-Stephen Leeds, Alexandria