Tag: capital improvement program

Your Views: ‘Reinvest in policing’

To the editor: Last month, Alexandria’s Police Union IUPA Local 5 presented a forward-thinking plan to “Reinvest in policing.” The plan is a roadmap...

Filling in the Blanks with Dr. Gregory Hutchings, Ed.D.: Looking forward

In December 2020, I wrote in the Alexandria Times about our hopes that Alexandria City Public Schools could begin transitioning students back into schools...

Our View: Embattled police

There are zero dollars allocated to police body cameras in Alexandria’s 2021-30 Capital Improvement Program budget. There were zero dollars allocated to police body...

Your Views: Stormwater pipes, not pilots

To the editor: Like hundreds of other Alexandria residents, we have recently spent considerable time digging out from flooding along with anxious days when...

City experiences another ‘100-year’ flood

By Missy Schrott | [email protected] On the afternoon of Sept. 10, flash flooding at a rate as high as 3 inches in 10 minutes overwhelmed...

School board approves 10-year plan

By Missy Schrott | [email protected] The Alexandria School Board approved a $530.7 million 10-year Capital Improvement Program budget at a meeting on Dec. 19. The plan...

FY2020 budget passes without tax rate hike

By Missy Schrott | [email protected] Council unanimously adopted the fiscal year 2020 operating budget on May 1, maintaining the real estate tax rate for the...

City manager proposes FY2020 budget

By Missy Schrott | [email protected] City Manager Mark Jinks’ Fiscal Year 2020 proposed budget involves no real estate tax rate increase, no major service reductions...