Tag: cars

Racing ahead: Local teen takes first step toward Formula One dreams...

By Ryan Hopper | @ryan_hopper31   An Alexandria teen is finding the thrill of the track around every turn from Texas to Europe to Michigan’s upper...

Your Views: Transit alternatives

To the editor: Now that Alexandria is being subjected to yet another Metro shutdown, the city is looking for additional ways to improve transportation alternatives....

Your Views: The case for more density

To the editor: I am writing in response to the Jan. 7 Alexandria Times editorial, “Wanted: Better approach to affordable housing.” What is truly wanted...

Your Views: We need cleaner cars

To the editor: Pollution from the cars, trucks and buses we drive or ride in every day kills the same number of people that die...

Whitaker’s Bumblebee birthday surprise

By Missy Schrott | [email protected] Leading up to his fourth birthday, childhood cancer survivor Whitaker Weinburger told his parents he wanted “millions of people and...

Traffic and Parking Board to consider Seminary Road restructuring

By Arya Hodjat | [email protected] The city’s plan to convert a stretch of Seminary Road from four to three lanes has been met with opposition from...

Your Views: Hooray for the Festival of Speed & Style

To the editor: Well done to all the organizers, sponsors, volunteers and participants who made the first ever Old Town Festival of Speed & Style...

Our View: Alexandria’s endangered species: our golden goose

“Vision” is a fascinating word. Literally, it means to see, but true vision is the ability to see broadly, as is the cliché of...

Letter to the Editor: City should charge ‘market price’ for parking

To the editor: In his Sept. 6 letter to the Times, “City officials created Chatham quagmire,” Dan Hazlewood said, “The idea some have that less...

Letter to the Editor: Radical proposals for new transportation planning

To the editor: We all need a plan. Intuitively, we know the more complex the task, the more likely the goal will be attained with...