Tag: city

Torpedo Factory launches vibrancy initiative

By Missy Schrott | [email protected] Two months after the city assumed permanent control of the Torpedo Factory Art Center, artists and administrators are settling into...

Our View: The school maintenance conundrum

Many of Alexandria’s schools have severe maintenance woes. This is not a new issue, but rather a problem that’s been festering for years –...

Our View: We have much to be thankful for

Thanksgiving always seems to come just in time. During election years – and in Virginia we vote on something most years – it comes just...

City takes permanent control of Torpedo Factory

By Missy Schrott | [email protected] Council voted unanimously at its public hearing on Saturday to give the city permanent control of the Torpedo Factory. The art...

Our View: What’s the rush

Two important decisions with significant long-term implications for Alexandria are being rammed through the city approval process with minimal public input and arbitrary timelines. The...

Home Profile: Del Ray home embraces a touch of madness

By Alexa Epitropoulos | [email protected] Ellen and John Patrick’s home on the 400 block of East Duncan Avenue has had a variety of themes and...

City council approves lights, upgrades for T.C. Williams’ Parker-Gray Stadium

City council voted to approve the addition of lights at T.C. Williams' Parker-Gray Stadium, as well as upgrades to the stadium itself and a...

Blessed Sacrament named a Blue Ribbon school

Blessed Sacrament School has been named a 2018 National Blue Ribbon School by the Department of Education for the second time, the department and the...

Council approves Route 1 South density increase

By Alexa Epitropoulos | [email protected]  City council unanimously approved a master plan amendment that puts the city’s affordable housing strategy east of Route 1 into motion on...

Filling in the Blanks with Dr. Gregory Hutchings, Ed.D.

By Dr. Gregory Hutchings Sixty days can either seem like a long time or like no time at all. In some ways, my first sixty...