Tag: evidence

Karig Estates lawsuit decision nears

By Missy Schrott | [email protected] Nearly a year after a group of residents filed a lawsuit against the city over the Karig Estates development, emails...

Justice Matters with Bryan Porter: Forensic evidence is difficult to collect

As I have noted in a previous edition of this column, acting as a juror in a criminal case can be a difficult proposition...

Justice Matters with Bryan Porter: How prosecutors handle their ‘gremlins’

In criminal cases, prosecutors do not get to choose their evidence. Every prosecutor would enjoy always having compelling forensic evidence and unimpeachable witnesses, particularly...

Justice Matters with Bryan Porter: The elements of a murder indictment

By Bryan Porter Anyone who has ever watched a police procedural will recognize this scene: a hardscrabble homicide detective with a harsh Bronx accent sits in a cramped office...