Tag: freedom house
Filling in the Blanks with Dr. Gregory Hutchings, Ed.D.: Black history...
Years since it was first established, we still embrace the opportunity to celebrate Black History Month and the culture, local heroes of the civil...
Freedom House Museum aims to reopen in April
By Olivia Anderson | [email protected]
With its purchase of Freedom House several years ago, the City of Alexandria took tangible steps to ensure that its African...
Your Views: Systemic racism is far from over
To the editor:
A Sept. 24, 2020 letter to the editor of the Alexandria Times was titled, “Alexandria has overcome systemic racism.” The author congratulates...
Our View: Telling more of Alexandria’s black history
It’s exciting when a city known for its history is able to significantly enhance its storytelling. That’s happening now in Alexandria with black history.
City plans to buy and preserve Freedom House
By Cody Mello-Klein | [email protected]
The City of Alexandria announced that it plans to purchase Freedom House, the historic site of a former slave trading...
Historic Freedom House, former slave pen, goes up for sale
By Cody Mello-Klein | [email protected]
The Freedom House, the registered National Historic Landmark and infamous location of a slave pen at 1315 Duke St., is...
Tax assessment gap widens
By Missy Schrott | [email protected]
At Tuesday evening’s legislative session, city council received and passed a staff report on 2018 real property assessments, approved a...
Alexandria Events: What’s on tap for this week
Those who are looking for an alternative to pre-gaming for the Super Bowl have an option with the annual Alexandria Warehouse sale, which takes...