Tag: historic preservation
Century hopping: How easements preserve times past
By Susan Horne
The Alexandria Historical Restoration and Preservation Commission can help residents become preservationists while living a comfortable life with all the modern amenities.
Our View: Something old and something new
Two stories in this week’s Times illustrate the intersection of Alexandria’s past with its present and remind us why this city of ours remains...
Re-sinking of historic ship to start at Ben Brenman Pond
By Olivia Anderson | [email protected]
On Monday, Alexandria started the process of re-sinking three historic ship hulls at Ben Brenman Park Pond that were recovered along...
Your Views: Historic preservation is more important than development
To the editor:
John Mullen’s opinion article in the June 17 Alexandria Times, “In support of Old Town’s redevelopment” is sadly way off the...
North Ridge home inches toward demolition
By Olivia Anderson | [email protected]
Despite a galvanized effort by residents to fight the demolition of a 19th Century North Ridge home, its owner officially received...
Real Talk: Preserving Alexandria’s historic residences
By Danny Smith
Stewards of historic properties often have questions about navigating the various protections applicable to their properties. Protections may apply to historic properties...
River Farm to remain closed this spring
By Cody Mello-Klein | [email protected]
Since 1973, historic River Farm, which was once owned by George Washington, has provided the public with views of the...
Historic Freedom House, former slave pen, goes up for sale
By Cody Mello-Klein | [email protected]
The Freedom House, the registered National Historic Landmark and infamous location of a slave pen at 1315 Duke St., is...
Allison Silberberg reflects on term as mayor
By Missy Schrott | [email protected]
As she looks back on her time as mayor, Allison Silberberg’s reflections are built from stories of the events she’s...
City council upholds BAR’s decision on historic house painting
By Missy Schrott | [email protected]
Correction: The article that appeared in the Times' Nov. 23 print edition, titled "House painting appeal sets precedent," incorrectly states...