Tag: local music

Classical Movements permit approved

By Will Schick | [email protected] City Council unanimously approved a special use permit allowing local concert tour company Classical Movements to resume hosting live outdoor...

Our View: Save the arts

“Don’t it always seem to go/ That you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone.” When singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell released her hit song “Big...

Council to consider Classical Movements permit

By Will Schick | [email protected] The Planning Commission voted unanimously on March 2 to endorse a special use permit to allow Classical Movements, a classical...

Your Views: We all need classical music right now

To the editor: The story “Single complaint, lengthy permitting process jettison classical concert series” by Cody Mello-Klein in the Feb. 25 Alexandria Times struck a...

With local jam band duo, the song never remains the same

By Cody Mello-Klein | [email protected] To call the Free Flowing Musical Experience a cover band is to deny the thought and talent that goes into...