Tag: opioid

Youth opioid overdoses spike

By Olivia Anderson | [email protected] City officials are taking steps to respond to a recent spike in opioid overdoses in Alexandria, particularly among youth. According to a...

Alexandria launches Narcan delivery program

By Cody Mello-Klein | [email protected] The City of Alexandria has launched a delivery program to assist residents in obtaining Narcan, a nasal spray that can...

Life Well Lived: A loved one’s guide to opioid addiction

By Mara Benner No one is immune to opioid addiction. The American Psychiatry Association estimates that one in three people know someone addicted to opioids....

Life Well Lived: Chronic pain – how to take a comprehensive...

By Dr. Vivek Sinha Chronic pain can mean different things to different people. Whether you are a patient, a doctor, a parent or a politician, your...

My View: Overhearing treatment of an opioid overdose

Thump, thump, thump. “Come on buddy, come on buddy,” the voice loudly exhorted from the other side of the partition. Beep, beep. “Powering up, powering, CLEAR,”...

Our View: Let’s mobilize philanthropic Alexandria to fight the opioid crisis

Alexandria is a city with a long philanthropic track record of responding generously, and swiftly, to need. Numerous local nonprofits support at-risk children, shut-in...