Tag: property taxes

Your View: Inflation offsets tax increases

To the editor: I read your “Our View” editorial entitled “Something’s Wrong Here” and, initially, was concerned that property taxes were out of control. However,...

Your Views: The taxpayer loses in Alexandria

To the editor: The mayor and City Council seem to be patting themselves on the back for a property tax rate of $1.11 per $100...

Our View: Something’s wrong here

In his column last week, “No one pays a tax rate,” Bill Rossello pointed out that a level tax rate does not equate to...

Our View: An excessive tax increase

In most years, a 2-cent increase in the city’s proposed tax rate would be acceptable, as inflation raises the cost of doing business year...

Letter to the Editor: Raising taxes will make Alexandria’s housing less...

To the editor:  I read the front-page article in the March 1 Alexandria Times, “Councilors mull affordable housing set-aside,” with interest. The article talked about...