Tag: rename T.C.
Our View: Once a Titan, always a Titan
When the Alexandria Times made the case to remove the name T.C. Williams from the city’s only high school almost three years ago, in...
Your Views: Don’t rename T.C. Williams
To the editor:
Each spring, Alexandria residents see signs reading “T.C. Williams Senior” on countless lawns around the city as seniors celebrate their accomplishments and...
Filling in the Blanks with Dr. Gregory Hutchings, Ed.D.: Time to...
In line with my commitment to empowering young people and encouraging them to share their voices, I have invited Alexandria City School Board Student...
Your Views: Rename T.C. Williams after former principal John Porter
To the editor:
I am writing about the articles and opinion pieces that have run in the Alexandria Times about changing the name of T.C....
Your Views: A vote for Freedom High School
To the editor:
I urge our school board to be very careful in selecting a new name for T.C. Williams High School. Yes, I agree...