Tag: secret seven
Our View: Time for a new name
We have been saying for more than two years that the name T.C. Williams should be removed from Alexandria’s only high school.
The three-part series...
Carol Johnson, community activist, dies at 67
By Cody Mello-Klein | [email protected]
Carol Johnson, an activist who fought for recognition of the city’s African American history and the rights of the historic...
Our View: Vote on T.C. lights a moral and strategic failure
Getting something from a negotiation is probably better than getting nothing, but at times there’s not a huge difference. That’s our take on city...
The history beneath T.C. Williams
By Missy Schrott | [email protected]
In the back-and-forth between supporters and opponents of lights at the T.C. Williams High School stadium, proponents often ask: Why...