Tag: standards of learning

Our View: Education vs. ideology

Two stories in the Alexandria Times in the last two weeks highlight the shift of our school district from emphasizing education to pushing ideology...

Alexandria SOL pass rates lag behind state scores

By Olivia Anderson | [email protected] Alexandria City Public Schools’ 2021-22 Standards of Learning scores improved from last year in three of four categories, though state...

2018-2019 SOL results were a mixed bag for ACPS

By Cody Mello-Klein | [email protected] There was good news and bad news for Alexandria City Public Schools in the Standards of Learning test results for...

Our View: Good news from Alexandria schools

There are three encouraging reports about Alexandria schools in this and last weeks’ Times, two involving Alexandria City Public Schools and one from Blessed...

My View: Angles of academic success

By Dr. Gregory Hutchings, Ed.D. The mission of Alexandria City Public Schools is to ensure that every student succeeds. But what does success look like? In...

Letter to the Editor: Elected officials should focus on poor ACPS...

To the editor: Standardized test results for the 2017-2018 school year came out the week of Aug. 20 and the results were anything but encouraging....

SOLs yield steep highs, lows for ACPS

By Missy Schrott | [email protected] The results from Virginia’s Standards of Learning tests released Aug. 22 were a mixed bag for Alexandria City Public Schools,...

Our View: SOL results – The good, the bad and the...

Data is all in the eye of the beholder. To wit, a case can be made that the just-released Standards of Learning test results were...

Filling in the Blanks: SOLs are just one way of measuring...

The beginning of a school year always coincides with receiving the results of testing conducted in the previous school year. Tests such as the...