Tag: systemic racism
Your Views: Act to end systemic racism
To the editor:
I am writing in response to a letter, “Hutchings paints Trump supporters as racist,” that appeared in the Nov. 19 Alexandria Times....
Your Views: Systemic racism is far from over
To the editor:
A Sept. 24, 2020 letter to the editor of the Alexandria Times was titled, “Alexandria has overcome systemic racism.” The author congratulates...
Your Views: Environmental movement needs diversity
To the editor:
After reading Ayana Elizabeth Johnson’s, “I’m a black climate expert. Racism derails our efforts to save the planet,” I thought more about...
Filling in the Blanks with Dr. Gregory Hutchings, Ed.D.: Unacceptable to...
Our nation is simultaneously experiencing two global pandemics: COVID-19 and racial inequity.
While we all strive to adjust to what is known as our “new...
Our View: Facets of systemic discrimination
Five letters and columns in this week’s Alexandria Times editorial pages touch on various aspects of discrimination in the United States. The writers voice...